Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to fix insufficient output to Pancake Swap or Inuko Finance App?

Increase slippage to 12%

2. What’s the next thing to do?

Spread news about Inuko Finance. Promote Inuko at any social media. You can also email your proposal to [email protected]

3. What is Inuko Finance?

Inuko Finance is one of the fastest growing communities in paw nation. Inuko Finance has combined new tricks and strategies .The goal of the Inuko Finance protocol is to create a decentralised, censorship resistant reserve currency for the emerging Web3 ecosystem. Developing a reserve currency is important because the fundamental goal of the Web3 financial movement is to foster an alternative economic ecosystem. Inuko Finance has a static reflection that rewards holders in the form of stable coins, USDT, and are automatically added to your wallet each transaction.

4. What are the fees?

Every transaction has a 4% (updated on 27th October 2023) 12% tax with 0.01% (updated on 27th October 2023) 6% being redistributed to the holders, 0.01% (updated on 27th October 2023) 1% injected back to liquidity pool, 2.97% (updated on 27th October 2023) 1% to buyback tokens to burn, 0.01% (updated on 27th October 2023) 1.5% going to bond products, 0.5% (updated on 27th October 2023) 1.5% to inverse bond products, and 0.5% (updated on 27th October 2023) 1% to token creator for operations and marketing. All transactions are taxed except for Staking & Bonding.

5. How does β€œShare” affect my income?

One of the best ways to earn at Inuko Finance is by receiving his share of β€œReflections”, which is automatically being sent to holder’s wallet. Since REFLECTIONS are redistributed based on the users' SHARES, the user with bigger SHARE will get bigger SHARE OF REFLECTIONS in the form of USDT.

6. Why can't I transact?

We have imposed limits on INUKO Coin. Our antiwhale mechanism prevents any wallet from holding more than 1% of the total supply and our transaction limits prevents users from transferring/ buying/ selling more than 0.25% (25,000 INUKO) of the total supply.

Last updated