How to trade INUKO on our dapp?
If you need to buy or sell INUKO coins, you can either trade it on our dapp or on Pancakeswap:
The EXCHANGE on our dapp is powered by Pancakeswap, however we have made the interface easier to use by accommodating taxation as well as transaction limits placed on the INUKO coin contract.
How to trade?
Step 1:
Look for and click on EXCHANGE in the dapp
Step 2:
Select the type of currency you wish to trade against INUKO and enter the appropriate amount.
Step 3:
Approve the use of your trading token and then confirm swap.
Step 4:
Confirm your transaction in your wallet then wait for the transaction to complete.
Step 5:
Once the transaction is completed, add INUKO to your wallet in order to observe the amount of coins in your wallet. Click "ADD INUKO to METAMASK"
You have now completed the simple tutorial of buying INUKO from our DAPP.
Last updated